Our device would be provided to the patient to confirm the COPD. The patient just needs to blow through the SenFlexT device,which contains a highly sensitive sensor. And as soon as the exhale and inhale cycle is completed,simultaneously the sensor would generate the digital signal.

Revolutionary Respiratory
Disease Diagnostic Device
Know more about SenFlexT
SenFlexT can be used at home by patients without having to visit diagnostic centres as against the current practice. This will also address the critical issue of addressing COPD at an early stage and by means of advanced healthcare technology, a boon for both patients and the overall healthcare system. Spirometry, the gold standard test to diagnose obstructive airway diseases like asthma and COPD, is often avoided due to the unavailability of the equipment, difficulty in data interpretation and the cost of the tests.


Highly Sensitive Sensor
The temperature sensor has a resolution of 4.3 mK and about 25 ms response time.
Cost Effective
A competetive and pocket friendly price judging the budget of the commons is decided.
ML Based Pattern Recognition and Analysis
Generic and standard data-set is taken to generate the training set,so that the models fits properly and can produce desired result.
Auto Report Generation
Past Medical History of the patient along with the Doctors prescription and classified result from the ML Models would generate an automated report.
Working Steps
- Diagnosis of COPD
- Signal Processing
As the signal generated is in digital format,so its needed to be processed first.So,a DSP Algorithm preprocessess the digital signal and cleans or filters the data collected.
- Detection
As the data collected is processed now,its ready to be classified using a well trained ML model which is a Neural Network Based Pattern Recognition model.Now based on Recognized Pattern, Medical Case History, and Parameters Data analysis for the disease is done.
- Report Generation
The medical report is generated upon the doctor's approval and shared with the concerned patient. It consists of sensor test analysis, medical information, prescribed medication and historical data.
1 USB Charging only Port
1 LED Indicator
1 ON/OFF Switch
Power Features
Li-ion Battery
500 mAh
Charging Time
1 Hr
Chipset Features
1 highly sensitive patented temperature sensor
Arm Cortex M0

Tether your breath with SenFlex-T,for a shielded health.